Friday, March 12, 2010

The Story begins...

Life, particularly college life had been dull before I knew you. It's always routine day in and day out. If not study, it'll be work. Occasionally there will be a few events, meet and so on with friends but that's pretty much it. With sports being the major interest, that sums up most of how it was.

Not knowing what I really want, not particularly knowing why I'm doing it, just going with the flow of how things are done more like. I strive hard, maybe not hard enough for the unpredictable future, of which you can say it's for myself, so that I will live a better life probably, well, just what most others will say.

And then you came into the picture...

I start changing. I dream of dreams with you. Of how I want to love you with all I have, to give you all that I can, to never hurt you, of dreams that I want them to come true to what extent they can, God willing. 

And then,


*cut short story* (XD..)

Well, the doubts you have-with time, I shall cover it completely. I shall love you with all I have, to treat you the best I can, to never disappoint you, and the list is never exhaustive...

Let's work hard together down this road that we choose...=)

I Love You Very Very Much, Chin Evelyn! XD


f8hasit said...

That's really sweet Patrick.
I hope it works out for you. And with that mindset, I'm sure it will.

Chin EveLyn said...

no promise & dont ever promise!
I'll just wait and see as time goes (=
and i admit.. m always doubting on you!!

Hee said...

u make sure u will take care & cherish her well ya..

Legendary Drifter said...

Wish you two forever drowned in love...

Patrick, I love her a lot, if you hurt her...I warn you first ya...

Pat said...

Thanks Nancy, KarCin and Shirley! I'll cherish her well.

And don't worry dear, I'll prove it to you.. =)

Legendary Drifter said...

Haha,i discovered ur secret in this blog~ :p

Pat said...

Shirley-Oh,no! How did you find out?XP