Saturday, February 13, 2010


Come February 14th, it'll be The Year of the Tiger, and not to mention that this year's Valentine somehow clashed with Chinese New Year. Well, time for 'angpau' (extra pocket money-come come...xD), foods, visits, etc. I wonder what this new year (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar) has in store for me...

One week of a holiday, and this may well be my last holiday for this sem, it'll be busy from there onwards. Though for some reasons, I'm looking forward to it. (XD) And I guess this blog may be left untouched for quite some time again (sorry about that..) due to the amount of assignments that I've left piling up again. (It's increasing in a scary speed, oh my..)

By the way, I was checking for blog updates (after quite some time of absence...) and I saw this headline titled 'Be A Tiger, But Don't Be THAT Tiger'... Wow, that's quite a good headline, don't you agree? You see, before this incident related to Tiger Woods took place, I was quite a fan of him (though not much since I don't really enjoy golf), but then, of all the men, I was wondering why him? (The same goes for John Terry) Hmmm.. Well who cares, it's the life he chose. And like that post said, just make sure you DON'T be..

Well, I have nothing particularly in my mind that I wanna blurt out in this post, so I think I'll end this wishing everyone out there a Happy Chinese New Year and a happy Valentine! =)


Legendary Drifter said...

Happy CNY and Valentine's day!

Barlinnie said...

Be your own Tiger my friend, and either walk tall or fade away, but let that choice be of your own choosing.

Pat said...

Thanks, people.. =)