Sunday, October 31, 2010


It is the day I am 22nd,
it is also probably just another day of my life,
another passing day,
another 24 hours,
another scene forming the chapters of my life...

P.S. My baby's Facebook birthday wish.. xP
♥♥ Blessed Birthday Babe aka Patrick Lim ♥♥ 
I rejoice along w you in your journey of discovering the love of God for you and
I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold ♥♥  
p/s:early wishes as tmr having 10-5pm class. See ya tomorrow after my class end *hugs* XOXO

Love you, baby EveLyn! XOXO =))) 

P.S.S And thanks to all others that wish me as well.. =)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I am me,
the me that is me now,
no one else but me,
being me, the real me at you,
to always be the me that I am,
the true me I am always to you,
hoping to erase the doubts on me of yours,
to believe and trust it is in fact me...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Stressed Up...

I'm feeling super duper stressed up. Hard to separate the boundary between work and studies...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Constant...

Let nothing change, change naught,
let the whole world change,
let others change,
but let not our heart change...
Let's stay true to each other till the end.. =)

Monday, October 25, 2010

251010 1:40AM

It is you that I crave so much for,
the one I care so much for,
wanted to do all I can to give you the best I could,
wanting you to know and believe in me,
that I am indeed true to you,
and will indeed give you all...


Chin ...
Chin E...
Chin Ev...
Chin Eve...
Chin EveL...
Chin EveLy...
Chin EveLyn...
Chin EveLyn!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


It kills! What have I been doing? Oh, crap....


It's just a simple dream,
of a simple man,
filled with simple thoughts but clear determination,
of a simple but good life,
together with his loved one,
irregardless of how hard everything could be to achieve it,
it is just as simple as that...

Friday, October 22, 2010

20 days..

Another 20 more days..
Just 20 more days of work..
And I'm off to my revision schedule..
Oh days, please fly faster...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ALCS : Yankees vs Texas

Absolutely incredible Yankees! Beginning from seventh inning against the Rangers down 0-5 to the top 8th inning leading 6-5, another comeback to add to their 48 come-from-behind wins in the regular season + 3 more in the post-season against the Minnesota Twins. Go Yankees! One down, three more to win it and then to the World Series!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Mountains of Life...

Up and down,
there goes the life;
Once top, at top naught it remains;
But once down,
a wrong foot and to slide down without end;
Like a roller coaster some says,
a straight road at times,
but an uphill of mountains looms all of a sudden,
testing the strength and determination of every living species;
Just like the new background,
a picture of a life full of ups and downs...

Monday, October 11, 2010


Happy 22nd Birthday to my dear baby, Chin EveLyn!
May you be happy always! =)))

Friday, October 8, 2010

Messy Mess...

A bit of everything,
but in fact nothing;
jumbled up, muddled up,
blurry little Friday;
stuffed, everywhere,
yet nowhere is everything;
isolated, unrelated,
the start? The rear?
Mess, it's really a mess,
time, time, why did you go?
Running short,
and another is passing...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Why and How...

A question raised during a lecture :
-Why and How is important to succeed, But which comes first?-

What do you think?
It's Why.. And why so?

The example used-Mulan..
If she were to think of 'How' to save his father from dying in the war, the chances are the dad would have gone to the battle and probably moved on. Instead, with a strong 'Why' i.e. a want to save his father, she went out to war to achieve her 'Why', fearing none of the consequences to herself.

Just like in life, when you falter along the way, a strong 'Why' will bring you back on track but when only a 'How' exist, you'll probably end up lost somewhere along the way, searching for your purpose and probably losing aim. 

So what do you think?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Settled Down...

One thing at the moment before you continue reading, this is a super random post,as I have no idea what to write, so basically it's all crapping after this. Just wasting my time around a bit.. XD

Time is flying, it's October, everything is passing so fast and I wonder, what will happen in the next few months when I finally finish my last 3 papers? Off to the corporate world, how stressful can things gets? How busy will I get?And I'm still thinking, big four or to the firms introduced by my uncle? Somehow I secretly wish that I can venture to the corporate world on my own, without any help. But then it all depends on the situation I guess. Well, I shall have to start on my resume anytime soon.

On a separate matter, weeks of misunderstanding, months actually, and it all settle down just nicely. Me and my baby can finally start being ourselves where things should be like, less worrying as before, less stressful. Things were good again, if not busy. Everything is going just right on how it should have been. Miss you baby! =)

And a planned Singapore trip to look forward to somewhere around Christmas (Maybe we can meet up, Lee). But first, the focus is on the exams. 3 more papers, and I shall eat you all up! Two more months, to plan out my study time and working time well. Failure is NOT tolerable! Let's work hard everyone! =)

And I know I've said this before, but once again, I just can't wait for the next One Piece episodes! Just how strong will straw hat Luffy and his crew gets? Show us Eiichiro Oda!

Friday, October 1, 2010

One Piece

Just a random post.. One Piece rocks! Eagerly awaits the coming manga series.. =))