Friday, January 8, 2010

The Chain Continues...

I remembered it was back in late September when I start following his blog. It was recommended by Kim Ayres in his post 'A blogger recommends...'.

And I remembered clearly back then that I chose to follow these two blogs-Mary Witzl of ResidentAlien and Sang Lee’s Yellow Son. Both are good writers, both write wonderful posts, and ever since that day, I know I've not missed any posts that they wrote ever since. A big thanks to Kim for the recommendation-they are really one of those fantastic blogs that I've read!

I guess that you have known, or might not know that I'm just fresh from receiving two sad news, the first being a serious stroke, the second-death from heart attack [Wei Soong's dad]... Here I was, thinking that the chain of sad news has ended, that it'll be some time more before I get to hear them again.

It was a stupid thought really.

And who would have thought that on this very day I get to know that Sang Lee, the owner of Yellow Son blog had passed away few days before this. I was shocked, unable to believe what I read with my eyes, but as I go on, the truth sink in-that I'll never ever again get to read his writings...

Never ever again...

No words can describe my feelings now. True, I have undergo this before. But when my dad passed away, I was just seven. All I remembered was me happily burning away those 'I-have-no-idea-what-you-called-those-papers' or 'offerings'. Even when my friend passed away back in standard 6 and form 5, there's no such feeling!

Never before...

But having followed him for just a few months, reading his posts, his wonderful stories of his past and his present, just made me feel like as I though I knew him well, although we have never met before.

It may be just me having this kind of feeling, well, I don't know, but it is certainly my first time.

Just as Kim said, the world do seems to be a little less colorful now...

To think that he's gone...

To think that I will not be able to read his stories anymore...


It's just so unexpected, to think that I just wrote that 'people come, people go' in my last post. And barely 24 hours after, I got this news. Damn! But that's life after all. It's full of the unexpected. Always are...
To Sang Lee,
Although we barely knew (the existence) of each other,
I just want you to know that,
Even if you're gone, you shall be remembered by us always.
Your memory and your words will live on.
Goodbye, my friend...


Anonymous said...

Patrick, you and I are in a similar predicament, we have never met Sang in person yet we feel as if we knew him such was his wisdom and the power of his writing. I feel as if I should be there today, in Jersey, with Luz and Chuck and his other friends. It's a very odd situation indeed, but I do have a sense of loss...

Pat said...

Paulo- Yea, it's an odd feeling. We'll definitely miss him...

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear the sad news. I too have lost online friends. It is always painful.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note

Pat said...

Julie- =)