Why do I do this?
Why do I do that?
What do I live for?
Why am I working so hard for?
Because that's what we should do?
Because everyone's doing the same thing?
Or because it is the right thing to do?
Even if everything will eventually ends into nothingness..
So why?
What's all this for?
Well, that's a good question.
I wonder...
What all this really means...
What's the meaning of me in this world...
Why am doing this and that...
And I wonder...
What do I seek from all that I'm doing...
What's the objective?
And where can i find the motivation to strive me on...
Where indeed...
Once I heard of how a man, embarked on a failed mission to the moon before Neil Armstrong, left hovering few miles above the moon. Of how this man, who actually had the chance to see the Earth with his own eyes from a distance in the universe, of how small the Earth looks to him at that position, of which a thumb is sufficient to cover the whole Earth. It was of then that this man, now a grandpa, told the world in his biography that of how his view and his perspective of life changed, of the way he look at things ever again back on Earth.
Sounds so stupid and yet its true...
Sounds so easy and yet so hard...
I wonder when I will find the elusive things...
And I hope to find it fast...